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Wayne Interfaith Network Logo

Wayne Interfaith Network Food Pantry


The WIN Food Pantry is in need of the following items:
Canned soup, condiments (small jars of mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard), gluten-free Free Items, low-salt items, pasta and rice sides, canned proteins such as tuna and chicken, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly, cooking oil, pasta and pasta sauce, and shampoo.
If you have these items, a donation would be greatly appreciated



Help our neighbors provide food for their families in times of need.

Our goal is to provide supplemental assistance on an as-needed basis to individuals and families in our community. Some people have short-term needs while others may be in need of more prolonged assistance. Your generosity will bring the necessary food to your neighbors in need.

Learn More

Learn more about the WIN Food Pantry and it's roots.

Our Programs

Learn about programs backed by the WIN Food Pantry.

How You can Help

Learn about how you can help our neighbors.


Congratulations to Rosemary Acampora on her retirement. She has been a valuable member of our team for many years. We wish her all the best!


All Pantry clients with school-aged children can pick up a backpack on Tuesday July 30th and Wednesday July 31st from 10am-2pm on both days.

Check out information regarding the Wayne Summer Concert Series! 

The WIN Food Pantry provides assistance to those in need including working families, the disabled, seniors and others in our community who may be struggling with hunger, job loss, illness, accidents, the death of a loved one, or a reduction in their living standard because of a changing economy.


Families Currently Serving


Senior Singles/Couples Currently Serving


School-Age Children Currently Serving

Check out information regarding the Wayne Summer Concert Series!



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